
28th June
29th June
30th June
1st July
2nd July
3rd July
09:30 to 10:00 Introduction to the Summer School.
10:00 to 11:30 Understanding and Mitigating Demographic Biases in Crowdsourced Recommendations. Dr. Krishna Gummadi, MPI - SWS Applications / Challenges of social network analysis, Prof. PK, IIIT {D,H} Social Media Search and Analytics, Prof. Vasu, IIITH Affective Content Analysis, Dr. Niyati Chhaya, Adobe Security & Privacy in Online Social Media, Prof. PK, IIIT {D,H}
11:30 to 11:45 Coffee / Tea break Coffee / Tea break Coffee / Tea break Coffee / Tea break Coffee / Tea break
11:45 to 13:15 Social Network Analysis, Dr. Manish Gupta, Microsoft IDC Social Network Analysis, Dr. Manish Gupta, Microsoft IDC Natural Language Processing / Sentiment Analysis, Prof. Manish Srivastava, IIITH Psycho linguistic analysis of content and users on Social Systems, Prof. Amitava Das, IIIT Sri City Discrimination / Fake News, Prof. Vasu, IIITH
13:15 to 14:00 Lunch Lunch Lunch Lunch Lunch
14:00 to 15:00 Sentiment Analysis: Pushing the frontiers with new tasks and languages, Prof. Pushpak Battacharyya, IIT Patna / Bombay Lab 2: Building network graphs from the data using Gephi Lab 4: TF-IDF, word2Vec, Doc2Vec, word embeddings Lab 7: Affective analysis of social media text - Analysis of presence of affect and it's intensity in text. Exposure to use of lexical resources: Warriner's lexicon, LIWC, SentiWordNet etc, analyzing formality & politeness. Ideas / Solutions presentation
15:00 to 15:15 Setting up of laptop with all necessary infrastructure.
15:15 to 15:45 Coffee / Tea break Coffee / Tea break Coffee / Tea break Coffee / Tea break Coffee / Tea break /Conclusion
15:45 to 17:00 Lab 1: Exploring Twitter data / Building basic graphs from the data Lab 3: Measuring Centrality, Betweeness, etc. Performing clustering on the network Lab 5: Applying NLTK and doing basic NLP analysis - POS tagger, NERs, relation extractors Lab 8: Psycho linguistic analysis. LIWC, MRC, sensicon, speech-act. big 5 personality traits
17:00 to 17:15 Buffer / Office Hours
17:15 to 18:00 Buffer / Lab Buffer / Lab Lab 6: Sentiment analysis / other NLP analysis
18:00 to 18:30 Cultural Program
18:30 onwards